
Citizenship income, it's a clash: Renzi challenges the 5 Stars

The leader of Italia Viva opened the last controversy of the year: "The basic income must be cancelled: the South needs construction sites, not welfare" - The Democratic Party opens but Di Maio is not there

Citizenship income, it's a clash: Renzi challenges the 5 Stars

End of the year with fireworks also for the government majority, which closes 2019 with yet another clash: this time at the center of the controversy, launched by the leader of Italia Viva Matteo Renzi, there is the basic income, which according to the ex prime minister does not work (this is also confirmed by the data: only 3,6% have found work thanks to the system devised by the 5 Stars to "abolish poverty"). “The basic income must be canceled – Renzi said in an interview with La Stampa -: the South needs investments, construction sites, non-welfare. The Guardia di Finanza says that the mechanism does not work, but by now everyone is understanding it. The 5 Stars must not stiffen, but take the time to metabolise".

The clash promises to be head-on, also because Palazzo Chigi has flatly denied the rumors about the possible modification of some totem measures (the security decrees but also Quota 100 and the RdC): "After the approval of the manoeuvre, it is not on the agenda of the government agenda, no revision of either the one hundred share or the basic income,” government sources have already specified after the first attack launched by Renziana Teresa Bellanova, responsible for Agricultural Policies. Luigi Di Maio is tranchant: "The basic income and quota 100 do not touch". But the challenge on Quota 100 and Income is also relaunched by the Democratic Party itself, albeit with more cautious tones: "They must be reviewed", the dem simply say with different nuances. The Democratic Party, with the group leader in the Senate, Andrea Marcucci, recalls: «Quota 100 expires in 2021 anyway, the income is going worse than the worst forecasts. Immediate reviews may not be on the agenda, but it's time to start evaluating."

It will therefore be a fiery January, with a government check in January officially convened on justice but which will be a real challenge to the hold of the majority and above all to the grillini. “There is a 50% chance of making it to the end of the legislature”Renzi added. “The country needs stability, but stability doesn't mean getting by. The populists wanted to make poverty disappear, they made growth disappear. Instead, a growth decree is urgently needed because Italy is at a standstill”. The litmus test to understand if we are serious will be the Shock Plan for infrastructure: "We will not bring slides, but a real bill," said the former prime minister.
