
Barcolana, 52nd edition despite the Covid

As every year, the historic Trieste regatta will take place on Sunday 12 October which will award the Generali Trophy: over 1.400 boats registered so far

Barcolana, 52nd edition despite the Covid

Come back every year, despite the Covid, the Barcolana, the historic Trieste regatta now in its 52nd edition and also in this case sponsored by Generali, which will award the Generali Trophy, a prize for the mixed team led by a first-placed female helmsman. A choice made by the Trieste group in the name of Diversity&Inclusion, but this is not the only commitment of the event's presenting partner: "In this exceptional edition, organized in full compliance with the anti-Covid-19 measures, there will be particular attention to the territory and its relationship with the sea”, explains a note.

So the regatta will take place on Sunday 11 October in the waters of the Gulf of Trieste and the event aims to raise awareness through sailing the attention to the ecosystem, to sustainable practices for consciously living the sport and benefiting in terms of well-being and health from a correct and healthy shared activity among people. There are currently 1.424 boats registered, even if the data is susceptible to last minute changes depending on the security measures and any cases of positivity among the participants. Generali will set up a video point dedicated to the weather at the Barcolana Infopoint in piazza Unità, with real-time updates on wind, tides and general conditions for sailors and the public.

“Generali is alongside Barcolana in a special edition – he said the Chairman of Generali, Gabriele Galateri di Genola – which measures the ability of a community to cope with exceptional events by responding with new solutions. It is an opportunity to reflect on changes as an opportunity for change: health, sustainability, inclusion are the keywords of this edition that find an opportunity to express themselves in sport. An edition made possible thanks to the joint work of public and private institutions, to offer everyone a healthy and safe opportunity for entertainment, respectful of the sea, the territory and people".

“We are honored – he added the president of the SVBG, Mitja Gialuz – to have such a large number of members in this special edition of the regatta. A number that is linked not only to actual participation, but to the willingness of shipowners to be part, even if only nominally, of this event. We have many testimonials from people who know they can't get to Trieste to race but wanted to sign up anyway, receive the regatta materials, to be with us"
