
Richard Ginori bankruptcy, the auction went deserted. None of the suitors came forward.

“Another announcement must be made immediately – said Bernardo Marasco, secretary general of the Filctem CGIL of Florence -. It is important that the unity of the company is maintained, without resorting to a stew”. Workers' sit-ins are planned in front of the factories.

Richard Ginori bankruptcy, the auction went deserted. None of the suitors came forward.

The auction for Richard Ginori went deserted (known porcelain company). Today at 12, the deadline for submitting bids for the bankrupt company expired: the starting bid decided by the tender was equal to 14,2 million euros. None of the suitors, Sambonet and Lenox/Apulum, took a step forward. 

"Another announcement must be made immediately - said Bernardo Marasco, secretary general of the Filctem CGIL of Florence - It is important that the unity of the company is maintained, without resorting to a stew". Today a group of company workers met under the Sesto Fiorentino plant; new sit-ins in front of the plants are expected in the next few days. Meanwhile, the initiative launched by the unions to sign a long sheet continues (they have already reached ten thousand signatures) in support of saving the Italian brand. 
