
Bank of Ireland blows savings of 200 Italian families

The country's largest lender has played dirty with its savers. Without warning them of the debt restructuring he was about to carry out, he reduced the value of the savings of some of his creditors, unbeknownst to them, to one ten thousandth: for every 1000 euros he will repay only 10 cents. To lose out, even 200 Italian families.

Bank of Ireland blows savings of 200 Italian families

For every €1.000, the Irish Bank will pay creditors 10 cents: it is one ten thousandth of the invested value. Are approximately 200 Italian families who have seen their savings evaporate due to the debt restructuring implemented by the Bank of Ireland last summer. The lender, repeatedly accused of being the most speculative bank in Ireland, restructured its debt, for the third time, this summer, by proposing to swap its bonds for new bonds guaranteed by the Irish state (obviously undergoing a loss).

The problem, however, is that the bank did not inform its creditors that it would implement this restructuring, it did not ask them if they wanted to comply with the exchange proposal with government bonds and the bank itself decided to give them the treatment of those who did not adhere to the restructuring. Savers have thus lost the right to participate in the swap.

The most serious thing is that the Bank of Ireland she was not obligated to inform her creditors and had obtained the pass from the European Commission.
