
Call for suburbs, the Government rethinks it and unlocks it

With the Milleproroghe decree, he had canceled 1,6 million euros of investments. The grassroots mobilization has put a major urban regeneration project back on its feet.

Call for suburbs, the Government rethinks it and unlocks it

In the end the Municipalities convinced the government not to abandon the plan for the suburbs. In Rome they understood its importance and the one billion and 600 million euros go back to public spending. Urban reorganisation, investments, environment, social structures and services. Anything that can lift the abandoned suburbs, populated by millions of people, will be done. The government has signed an agreement with the Anci which had fought not to wreck one of the best environmental and infrastructural projects in field. 

The funds had been revoked with the Milleproroghe, but will now enter the financial manoeuvre. Despite the clouds and the EU's reprimands and the distrust of the markets. We have mended relations with the government – ​​said ANCI president Antonio De Caro – winning a battle not of the mayors but of the citizens. In the post-signing declarations, the "mending" coined by the architect Renzo Piano at the start of the suburbs program still resonates. Piano started from considerations of a socio-economic order to revive immense marginal areas. He had exposed it to Gentiloni when he was at Palazzo Chigi. But then the Conte government had bloccato any hope cerasing i funds. Municipalities experienced difficulties, especially where they were already committed to supporting the expenses for the executive projects. The Government had replied that there were few constructions underway and that everything could die there. 

Fiery weeks, to then agree with the mayors and feed the municipal budgets again. Something more than a hope. Because with the project jobs are created, construction sites are started, the infrastructures so discussed within the government are built. What was the point of blocking such an ambitious urban regeneration plan for our Country, when governments of other states they pretended that similar projectwerero among the objectives of Agenda 2030? Places of non-life to revive, from which to restart to develop new community ideas. Therefore, the projects in individual cities do not stop and 1,6 million will be distributed over the next two years. As the interventions on the territory go on. Commenting on the agreement, the mayors wanted to recall the dramatic situations they have to manage every day. And that only grassroots mobilization has made the government's retreat possible.
