
Ban on suburbs blocked, the Municipalities against the Government

Funds for 1,6 billion stopped by the Milleproroghe decree. The mayors appeal to the TAR and the Constitutional Court. From North to South unanimous chorus against Prime Minister Conte and his illusory promises. 

Ban on suburbs blocked, the Municipalities against the Government

The appeals to the TAR and the one to the Constitutional Court against the cut in funding for the suburbs are almost ready. Antonio De Caro, President of the Association of Municipalities and Mayor of Bari, announced the strong and sensational initiative to recover the 1,6 billion cut in August with the Milleproroghe decree.

A blow to 330 municipalities that had planned environmental remediation interventions for social integration. The criticisms from below and the discussion tables of recent weeks have not made progress in the matter, nor increased the hopes for the Municipalities of getting their money back. On the table are the provisions of the Renzi and Gentiloni governments today unfortunately seen today as smoke screens. Even if this is not the case, due to the myriad of problems it persists in the Scampia of Naples, in the Zen of Palermo, in the hinterland of Bologna and so on.

The Joint Conference already scheduled for September 20 has been cancelled. There is no other way left, says the Anci, than to start with appeals to the administrative justice and the Constitutional Court. We do not intend - explains De Caro - to return to the discussion tables with the Government until we see measures that go in the direction announced by President Conte. The head of government had undertaken to evaluate the progress of the projects, leaving the door open for the resumption of dialogue with the mayors.

A perspective that had to somehow be linked to the reasons that had prompted previous governments to take note of the difficult conditions in which millions of families live. Thoughtful, industrial projects, in short, not "political tolls" on this or that.

Several times in this newspaper we have recalled Renzo Piano's professional commitment to the reconstruction of an urban, social and economic fabric of our banlieues. Places of a non-life to be brought back to collective dignity and the rules of coexistence, investing public resources (a sure flywheel for private ones). The environment and hospitality structures first of all, but also libraries, sports centres, association offices. From Reggio Emilia to Agrigento, the first citizens have already entrusted the cases against the Milleproroghe to the lawyers. Mayor Lillo Firetto comments that a total of 33 million euros have been stolen from the citizens of Agrigento. Because private money would also be added to state funds. We're teaming up against an ill-advised decision. Conte had mentioned the possibility of a corrective decree.

A provision that does not appear on the government's agenda, despite the deadlines of the DEF. But would there then be room for new resources? In Reggio Emilia, the Municipality has mandated a pool of lawyers to file the appeal in a very short time. The Constitutional Court, for its part, will have to rule on the violation of articles 97 and 114 of the Constitution concerning municipal budgets and the attribution of powers to the Municipalities. Funding has been blocked until 2020. Too long a time to hope to rebuild the suburbs with the same money as in 2016.
