
Broadband, Letta: "Private individuals invest, otherwise I can spin off the network"

According to the Prime Minister, private individuals must invest more than they have done so far in telecommunications broadband and "the public has powers of varying intensity, if the binding commitments are not met: from policy acts to the 'atomic bomb' in the hands of Parliament and the Government with the unbundling and advertising of the network

Broadband, Letta: "Private individuals invest, otherwise I can spin off the network"

If private individuals do not keep their commitment to invest in the diffusion of broadband, the hypothesis of unbundling the network and making it public remains in the field. Prime Minister Enrico Letta said today, presenting the report entitled "Achieving the European 2020 broadband objectives in Italy: prospects and challenges" at Palazzo Chigi.

The Prime Minister underlined that to obtain the desired results it is necessary for "private individuals to invest", while the public has the task of setting "a matrix of binding commitments and objectives" based "on certain and periodic deadlines: a matrix which makes sense because the public has powers of varying intensity if these binding commitments are not met, from policy acts to the 'atomic bomb' in the hands of Parliament and the Government with the unbundling and advertising of the network, which is an intervention which remains in the background if these commitments are not met".

Letta reiterated that "investments in the diffusion of broadband are a priority objective of the government" to achieve the standards set by the EU for 2020. But, to succeed, entrepreneurs "must invest more than they have done so far". 
