
Banco Popolare updates tables after EBA announcement

Banco Popolare takes note of the announcement made today by the European Banking Authority (EBA) and the Bank of Italy regarding the 2013 European-wide transparency exercise.

Banco Popolare updates tables after EBA announcement

Banco Popolare takes note of the announcement made today by the European Banking Authority (EBA) and the Bank of Italy regarding the 2013 EU-wide Transparency Exercise (EU-wide Transparency Exercise 2013) and the fulfillment of the decision taken by the EBA Board of Supervisors.

Attached are the tables with the data updated as at 31/12/2012 and as at 30/06/2013. It should be remembered that the capital figures do not include the benefit deriving from the approval of the merger project of Credito Bergamasco and Banca Italease (approved on 26/11/2013) and quantifiable at around +50bps (calculated on the capital figures as at 30/ 09/2013) with a view to Basel 3 fully phased.
