
Banco Bpm manages the AIFA cash desk

Banco Bpm manages the AIFA cash desk

Banco BPM has found an agreement with AIFA, the Italian drug agency, to manage its cash service: the agreement started on 1 April and will be valid for the next three years. In this phase of the coronavirus emergency, AIFA is of great importance: it is the public institution competent for the regulatory activity of medicines in Italy, i.e. authorizes and monitors medicines placed on the market in Italy, guarantees their access, quality and safety. Through various instruments it provides for the government of pharmaceutical expenditure and promotes knowledge and culture on medicines. It will therefore play a primary role if and when the vaccine against Covid-19 arrives.

Banco BPM instead is the third largest Italian banking group and is present with over 1.600 branches distributed throughout the national territory; manages over 1.200 Treasury and Cassa di Regioni services (Tuscany, Molise and Veneto; the latter in RTI with Unicredit), Hospitals, Universities, numerous Local Authorities, schools and other important Italian and international public realities. Banco BPM holds the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 quality certification for the "Management of Treasury and Cash Services and Public Administration Loans" and has an internal structure entirely dedicated to relations with central and local public administrations and to their subsidiaries.

“It is a great satisfaction for us – he commented Francesco Minotti, Head of Institutions, Entities and the Third Sector of Banco Bpm - and a source of pride in having been awarded the AIFA treasury service which, in this particular moment, is called even more to operate in support of the entire country and represents a confirmation of the commitment and fruitful collaboration of Banco Bpm with the main Italian institutions”.
