
Banco Bpm: digital and Esg issues, here is the sustainability report

The bank presented the document updated to 2020, with all the data on the social and environmental commitment consistent with the 2030 UN Agenda.

Banco Bpm: digital and Esg issues, here is the sustainability report

“In a period of exceptional complexity marked by the consequences of the pandemic, we want look to the future with reasonable optimism, bearing in mind that the next challenges will still be demanding but aware, after this experience, of the extraordinary energy that we are able to employ. Precisely for these reasons, during 2020 we invested in digital and sustainability, strengthening our governance on ESG issues, with the aim of integrating the different and complex aspects into company activities and business and tackling the great challenges of the economic, environmental and innovation transition with determination, in order to truly play a leading role in the country's sustainable and inclusive development" . With these words, co-signed by the chairman Massimo Tononi and the managing director Giuseppe Castagna, Banco Bpm presented its sustainability reports updated to 2020.

The document, as explained in the introduction, fully complies with the Action Plan launched in 2018 by the European Union on sustainable finance: a general guideline that emerged following the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement and the 2030 Agenda of the UN for sustainable development, then integrated over the years with the rules on financial intermediaries, the Green Deal and the guide on climate risks published by the ECB in 2020. In the last three years Assets under management with ESG mandates worldwide have more than tripled. In Europe, in the period January-October 2020, net flows were positive for 151 billion euros (+78%). Additionally, ESG funds outperformed traditional funds across all time horizons. ESG (i.e. Environmental, social and corporate governance) assets will represent between 41% and 57% of total mutual funds in Europe by 2025.

“Banco BPM's mission – reads the report – is to create value for stakeholders and represents the Group's identity. The importance of the territory, the dialogue with its main players and the sharing of value with the community are essential elements of a corporate identity that originates from a tradition consolidated over time". The report cites some data from the bank's operations: in 2020, 100% of the energy used came from renewable sources (from 99% in 2019), the electricity per employee fell from 5.655 to 5.167 KWh, the card purchased employee from 109 to 83 kg from 2019 to 2020.
