
Banco BPM: 25 million for Credito Sportivo

Banco BPM has approved a loan of 25 million to be allocated to the sports sector for the next 5 years - With the aim of supporting all sports associations in the post-Covid restart phase

Banco BPM: 25 million for Credito Sportivo

Banco BPM invests in the Italian sports system. The banking group has approved a credit line of 25 million euros, for the next 5 years, in favor of the Istituto per il Credito Sportivo - a social bank for the sustainable development of sport and culture - to support all the sports associations brought to their knees by the health emergency.

It is an important operation for the growth and development of the country system, the funding of which will be mainly intended for the construction and requalification of the sports facilities and for the development and promotion of culture.

Furthermore, this funding will also be earmarked for granting of loans to meet liquidity needs, following the epidemiological emergency from Coronavirus, the world of sports associations and amateur sports clubs.

This initiative confirms Banco BPM's commitment to supporting initiatives useful for economic and social development in the territories in which it operates, with particular attention to sustainability and the environment.

“The financing operation, with a duration of 5 years – he says Francesco Minotti, Head of the Institutional Institutions and Third Sector Department of Banco BPM - confirms the effective collaboration between the two banking institutions, which has already started in recent years and is concretely part of the ongoing support to the Italian economic and social fabric that our bank has always brought after you".

Graziano Graziapleana, the Head of the Administrative and Finance Service of Credito Sportivo, instead declared that this loan "allows the Institute to find resources to be allocated to the financing of sports and cultural infrastructures which represent a strategic sector for the economic development and social growth of the country ”.
