
Banks, Tria thinks of Masera to negotiate with Brussels

The former Minister of the Budget of the Dini government could be given the task of leading the negotiations in Europe on the new banking regulation model - The goal is to obtain legislation that distinguishes large institutions from small ones

Banks, Tria thinks of Masera to negotiate with Brussels

While the government spotlights are focused on the immigration dossier and on the clash with France, a new team is being formed in via XX Settembre. The Minister of Economy, Giovanni Tria, he was going to confirm Roberto Garofoli – magistrate and judge of the Council of State – at the helm of the treasury cabinet.

A special assignment should be conferred instead on Rainer Masera, a former banker and former Minister of the Budget and Economic Planning of the Dini government, to whom the number one in the Treasury would like to entrust the task of conducting the negotiations in Europe on the new model for bank regulation.

The goal is to arrive at a regulation that distinguish, as in the USA, the more significant credit institutions from the smaller ones, thus overcoming the current “one-size-fits-all” model and enhancing local banks.

"The macro-prudential paradigm shows the possibility that actions that are desirable from a micro point of view can prove to be inopportune, indeed dangerous, at a system level", wrote Masera last November in the columns of Repubblica, the same newspaper that today spread the indiscretion of the possible special assignment for the former minister.
