
Popular banks: loans and deposits rise in June

Based on the data disclosed by Assopopolari, loans rose by 1%, while deposits grew by 6% – De Lucia Lumeno: “Le Popolari continue to be a point of reference”.

The loans of cooperative banks to customers are still growing. In fact, in the month of June there was a tendential increase close to 1%. A figure above the average and in line with the growth dynamics highlighted in the previous month of May. In the first six months of the year, a flow of new loans to small and medium-sized enterprises amounting to 15 billion euro and to households amounting to 6,5 billion euro contributed to this positive result. The Banche Popolari disbursed this credit charging customers rates below the national average by about 10 basis points. Deposits also grew by 6% and, in particular, current accounts by +7%.

“The Popular Banks – declares the Secretary General of Assopopolari, Giuseppe De Lucia Lumeno commenting on the data – continue to be a point of reference for the territories and an element of trust for businesses and families. In a context of uncertainty and instability of the economy and of the entire banking sector, such as the one we are experiencing, the increases both in the credit granted and in the savings collected would not be otherwise explainable. A good encouragement to continue with the usual commitment and with the necessary determination that distinguish cooperative and local banks in days and months that are far from simple for Italy and for Europe."

