
Banks, the Senate rejects no confidence: the Renzi government is safe

The Hall of Palazzo Madama rejected the two opposition motions by a wide margin (one presented by M5S and one by Forza Italia and Lega) - Renzi denies Minister Boschi's conflict of interest and claims the decree on cooperative banks and the rescue of the four institutions in crisis.

The Senate Chamber has rejected the motions of no confidence in the Government. The one presented by Lega and Fi on the banking affair was rejected with 178 votes against, 101 in favor and only one abstention (which in the Senate counts as a vote against). In addition to the majority groups, they declared that they would also vote against the Fare! of the Misto group (the Tosian senators) and Ala (the so-called Verdinians). Senator Serenella Fucksia (ex-M5S now in Misto) abstained.

The motion presented by the Movimento 5 Stelle was also rejected: in this case there were 174 votes against, 84 in favour, plus one abstention.

The motions called for the government to resign due to the bankruptcy of the four local banks which were then saved by decree. In particular for Banca Etruria, due to the conflict of interest of Minister Boschi, whose father was vice president of the Arezzo bank. 

Renzi, with Minister Boschi sitting to his right, attacked: "For us there are no friends or friends of friends, there is no conflict of interest and then from which pulpit does the accusation come from", referring to the senators of Forza Italia, “less and less and divided”. The premier claimed the reform of the cooperative banks ("it had to be done 25 years ago as Ciampi and Draghi asked") and the rescue of the 4 banks ("otherwise we would lose a million account holders and 7 jobs"), before attacking the alleged press campaign on the Banca Etruria case (“since 1.770 November there have been 1.889 articles on immigration, XNUMX on Etruria…”).
