
Banks, Guzzetti: "Foundations ready to strengthen investments"

Opening World Savings Day, the president of ACRI reaffirmed "the solidity of Italian institutions" – now "the Government must do its part".

“Foundations have always done their part, seeking the right balance between the protection of their assets and the solidity of the investee banks. Maintaining the investment in Italian banks and, if necessary, strengthening it as far as possible is in the interest of the country and of the foundations themselves". Reassuring words come from Giuseppe Guzzetti, president of ACRI, who, speaking on World Savings Day, underlined how "stronger and more competitive banks can better support the real economy, adequately protect savers and give higher dividends".

The scenario is that of “an undoubtedly rough sea – continued Guzzetti -, but Italian banks seem to navigate satisfactorily. There are difficulties, but there are also the skills and resources to cope with them. And the rigor of sound and prudent Italian banking management deserves several stock market prices. Our institutes are solid”.

Of course, disbursements from foundations "could be affected by the negative economic-financial scenario - Guzzetti specified - but first of all I would wait for the financial statements, given that in recent years, despite the difficulties, we have managed to keep them at a good level, both in 2009 and in 2010 above 1,3 billion euros, also thanks to the use of resources set aside in previous years, precisely to give continuity to the disbursement activity in the most difficult periods. Part of these resources set aside at the time is still available".

Disbursements, "despite having lost their growth trend in the last two years, net of inflation compared to 2000 have grown by about 10% and the value of the assets has been more than maintained: from 1992 to today, always at adjusted for inflation, it grew by 45%, with an average compound annual increase of 2,2%”. In this context, it is up to the "Government to make choices appropriate to the seriousness of the crisis, which allow Italy to fully express its potential". “The real country – concluded Guzzetti – is ready to do its part”.
