
Banks, from Ifis and Finint earthquake in three moves in the North East

Giovanni Perissinotto, former CEO of Generali, is the new CEO of Banca Finint - Three surprises in a few days revolutionize finance in the North East: first the dismissal of Giovanni Bossi from the leadership of Banca Ifis, then his succession with Luciano Colombini from Banca Finint and finally the appointment of the new helmsman of Enrico Marchi's bank which has chosen a big name in national finance

Banks, from Ifis and Finint earthquake in three moves in the North East

An earthquake thus the two emerging banks of the North East – Banca Ifis and Banca Finint – they will never forget it.

It all started on the evening of 8 March when the president of Banca Ifis, Sebastien Fürstenberg – who is the controlling shareholder of the bank located on Terraglio, on the border between Venice and Mestre – sent a unexpected letter to CEO, John Bossi, the architect of the resounding success of Banca Ifis and its specialization in the recovery of non-performing loans, surprisingly informing him that he would not be included in the list of candidates for the new board which will be presented at the shareholders' meeting on 23 April. Basically a full-blown torpedo that destroyed a marriage of over twenty years of interest.

But that was not the only surprise consumed in just a few days on those 63 kilometers which divide Venice from Conegliano, where the Finint Bank of the king of finance of the North East, Enrico Marchi. Yesterday evening, in fact, Fürstenberg announced that he had found Bossi's successor in the blink of an eye and had caught him right near his home: the new CEO of Banca Ifis will be Luciano Colombini, expert CEO of Banca Finint, the bank specializing in private and investment banking, financial consultancy, corporate lending and asset management.

At this point it was Banca Finint who had to quickly find a new CEO in Colombini's place but Marchi - who in his life has faced and led financial battles of far greater depth - is not a man to be frightened by so little and he too began to look for nearby. And here the third surprise. In the last few hours it was officially announced the new appointment to lead Banca Finint of a big shot of finance not only in the North East but nationally: the new CEO of Banca Finint will be Giovanni Perissinotto, CEO of Generali for 11 years and already on the board of Banca Finint. What a march for North East finance.

