
Bancari, First Cisl: "Abi invites dialogue but hinders reforms"

In view of the meeting on the national credit agreement, the trade unionist calls for "a change in the cultural, even more than organizational, model of Italian banks", compared to the current "socially irresponsible and ethically unsustainable models"

Bancari, First Cisl: "Abi invites dialogue but hinders reforms"

“Patuelli invites constructive dialogue, but the problem is deciding what to talk about, because it is surprising that years of crisis and loss of reputation of the banking system have not been enough to make the ABI reflect on the need for a change of cultural model, first more than organizational, of Italian banks”. This was stated by the general secretary of First Cisl, Giulio Romani, in view of the meeting between the ABI and the unions on the subject of the national credit agreement scheduled for the week.

"The cloying return by bankers to the same themes that inspired the contractual termination of 2013, obsessively repeated in an analysis that once again has only the cover of the text - adds Romani - testifies to the bank management's inability to evolve with respect to positions rearguard to mystify which it is certainly not enough to talk about digitization or new technologies”.

According to Romani, "they allow time for attempts to soothe the union by proposing economic accommodation, perhaps attenuated by some compensation in favor of the banks, in exchange for agreeing not to change anything and to go ahead with bank models that are socially irresponsible and ethically unsustainable at the expense of poorly paid workers".

"We hope that no one will take this bait - concludes the trade unionist - as well as any other hooks thrown by some banker perhaps in the illusion of improper exchanges in those bilateral commissions that we strongly wanted to definitively bring down the system of commercial pressure, dangerous for workers and for customers themselves: banks must reform themselves and the logic of profit must be interdependent on the social utility produced, only in this way can workers and customers be fully protected”.
