
Banca IFIS Impresa: new insurance offer in car leasing

Banca IFIS Impresa: new insurance offer in car leasing

The leasing market in Italy knows no crisis or setback, thanks to the push that comes from the so-called 'registered' and in 2017 a further growth of 15% is expected. But in addition to financing needs, customers are increasingly looking for complementary solutions to
leases that protect their investments in all respects, from the financed asset, with modular and customizable products, to their credit capacity.

This is why Banca IFIS Impresa has renewed its range of insurance solutions, starting partnerships with leading players, expanding the value of the additional services offered to customers. In particular, Banca IFIS Impresa has signed agreements for the following protection solutions:

– The Lease&Life credit protection package, developed in collaboration with AXA Partners, protects the customer's ability to repay the loan in the event of unexpected adverse events, which may jeopardize the periodic payment of lease payments;

– The Theft and Fire Lease&Go package, developed with two specialist partners in their segment, Direct Line and Filo Diretto Assicurazioni, respectively for cars and commercial vehicles and trucks, which in addition to simple theft and fire also covers accidental damage caused by unexpected events (crystals, vandalism, natural disasters, assistance and collision or fully comprehensive);

– The GAP coverage, also developed in collaboration with AXA Partners, guarantees the original value of the asset by covering the difference between the purchase price of the vehicle and its commercial value at the time of the accident, following the total loss of the asset for a theft or for irreparable damage;

– The LoJack tracking and recovery service, a world leader in offering an innovative solution based on high-frequency wireless technology. The customer will also be able to trace the stolen vehicle inside garages, underground car parks and containers, also thanks to the exclusive collaboration with the police forces and in full protection of his privacy, as the system is activated only in the event of theft or embezzlement.

Massimo Macciocchi, Commercial Leasing Manager of Banca IFIS Impresa, commented: “The thirty years of experience we have at the service of companies allows us to satisfy the credit needs of companies in an excellent way but also to understand their protection needs, a complex need to satisfy. Today we can put increasingly complete and innovative insurance solutions at the service of our customers, guaranteeing the protection of the customer and the financed asset. The important partnership agreements that we have finalized with Axa Partners, Direct Line, Filo Diretto Assicurazioni and Lojack are the concrete testimony of our continuous
attention to the customer, in the name of evolution and customization”. Starting from 5 April 2017, the new insurance packages will be available, in combination with leasing, at the entire Banca Ifis Impresa agency network.
