
Banca Generali, off to the talks dedicated to the UN 2030 agenda

The bank has launched a cycle of insights on social channels with videos dedicated to ESG issues.

Banca Generali, off to the talks dedicated to the UN 2030 agenda

A series of meetings, broadcast on YouTube and on social channels, dedicated to the topic of sustainability and ESG policies. The in-depth analysis cycle, which is brought together under the hashtag #BG4SDGs, is organized by Banca Generali: the first episode went online on Monday 22 March and was recorded at the “BG Training & Innovation Hub” of the Banca del Leone, in the heart of Milan, a structure conceived as a digital social working area for the development of issues related to innovation, fintech and development. Each talk will focus on one of the objectives of the UN 2030 agenda: the first was on point 9, the one entitled to industry, innovation and infrastructure that the UN Agenda 2030 explains as follows: “Building a resilient infrastructure, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization and supporting innovation. Investments in a sustainable infrastructure and in scientific and technological research foster economic growth, create jobs and promote well-being”.

The meeting lasts just over 10 minutes and is conducted by Corriere della Sera journalist Massimo Sideri, with guest in this case Victor Pellegrini, scientist and entrepreneur, co-founder of BeDimensional, start-up of the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) where the professor worked for a long time. In particular, there was talk of research activities dedicated to new materials such as graphene, a two-dimensional sheet composed of carbon atoms with a large number of properties that will help make our planet more sustainable in the future.

The initiative goes in the direction of the commitment to sustainability, which Banca Generali also supports through financial and investment decisions. Three elements that are promoted in the construction of portfolios are "environment, society and governance". “Through the partnership with Main Street Partners – explains the Trieste bank – as early as 2018, we developed a proprietary platform capable of providing an in-depth assessment of the level of sustainability of individual investment strategies and calculating their impact on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) promoted by the United Nations ”.

Banca Generali has calculated that through the choice of ESG funds, in 2020, its customers contributed to: saving 1.572 million kg of CO2, equal to the average consumption of 11,1 million car journeys from Milan to Rome, 272 billion liters of water, equal to 3,9, 2 billion showers; distribute over 80 million organic meals and offer health care to nearly XNUMX patients.
