
Banca Generali starts funding again: 405 million in May

The net total since the beginning of the year has risen to over 2,3 billion – Total managed assets approach 5 billion – Ad Mossa: “Secrets are competence and diversification”.

Banca Generali starts funding again: 405 million in May

Banca Generali's total net inflows increased by another 405 million in May, which therefore since the beginning of the year has already put together a total of over 2,3 billion euro. Thus, after an initial slowdown in the first few months of the Covid emergency, managed savings has officially restarted: the collection of the month, according to what the Trieste-based Banca del Leone claims in a note, confirmed the liquidity requalification trend already launched in the previous month, to the benefit of both managed and administered solutions.

Among the former, the growth of the Luxembourg SICAV LUX IM was confirmed (105 million in the month, 946 million since the beginning of the year) and a increase in flows of insurance solutions which have always represented a point of reference for private customers in moments of greater market uncertainty (121 million in the month, 284 million since the beginning of the year). Specifically, premium income from insurance companies (BG Stile Libero and LUX Protection Life) is confirmed as predominant with €275 million since the beginning of the year. During May there was then a strong impetus of administered solutions, including securitizations and certificates (73 million in the month and 470 million since the beginning of the year).

This dynamic, reports Banca Generali, was accompanied by a development in the demand for advanced advisory services (BGPA) which brought managed assets to 4,9 billion, with an increase of almost 100 million euro in the month of May. “Another very solid month – he commented the managing director of Banca Generali, Gian Maria Mossa – with a collection mix that highlights the strength of our range in terms of diversification and customization possibilities. The breadth of the range of offers between Sicav, insurance and the world of administration, with the added value of our advanced consultancy, allow us to better respond to the different needs of customers".

“Skills – added Mossa – in risk analysis and innovation in the development of solutions that are increasingly unrelated to markets, such as securitizations in support of SMEs and the real economy, are distinctive elements that households and professionals of experience recognize us and that we want to continue to develop to continue on our path of sustainable growth. Despite the uncertainties regarding the economic situation, our positioning and the size of demand make us look to the coming months with confidence”.
