
Final leap of Piazza Affari (+1,77%): banks, insurance companies and Eni recover - BTP rates fly

After yesterday's collapse, today Piazza Affari partially recovered with a sprint in the final which yielded a rise of 1,77% - At the auction of 5 and 10-year BTPs, rates are clearly rising - The BTP-Bund spread is stands at 336 – Banks, insurance companies and Eni recover on the Stock Exchange – Exploits of Buzzi and Stm – The euro stable against the dollar

Final leap of Piazza Affari (+1,77%): banks, insurance companies and Eni recover - BTP rates fly

The Btp auction less worse than expected and the US macro data on home sales in January (+4,5%, better than expected) push up the lists. Europe closes positive despite fears about the Italian political situation, with scenarios of ungovernability and the sword of Damocles of a downgrade by Moody's on the country. Milan rose by 1,77%, Frankfurt +1,04%, Paris +1,93%, London +0,88%.




The Btp-bund spread also takes a breather thanks to the outcome of the Btp auction: the differential in the sprint over 250 points in the morning, fell below 340 points after the auction. The euro recovered against the dollar to 1,3104 (+0,33%).


In Europe, the improvement in business confidence continues (+0,36 points). In Italy, on the other hand, the composite index of the confidence climate of Italian businesses released by Istat is decreasing again, falling to 77,4 from 80,0 in January.




Wall Street was also positive with lists driven by bank purchases, with Jp Morgan announcing a plan to cut personnel, and better-than-expected sales data. The Dow Jones rose 0,69%, the Nasdaq 1,06% as Europe closed after a volatile start. Eric Canto, the Republican-controlled House Majority Leader, said as US markets opened that the issue of automatic spending cuts will not be resolved by the deadline of next March XNUMXst. In the afternoon, the operators' eyes are on Ben Bernanke's hearing in the Chamber. After yesterday he defended the Fed's stimulus policy, today he intervened on the cuts: fiscal consolidation is a long-term problem - he said - short-term cuts should be limited, focusing on a long term.






In Piazza Affari the bankers closed in contrast: Unicredit +1,83%, Intesa +1,87%Bper +2,96% among the best in the Ftse Mib.


Down Bpm -0,29%, Mediobanca -2,18% after Equita cut the rating preferring Generali. Mps - 2,11%, second worst stock of the Ftse Mib after Mediobanca. Today the Council of State refused the request for an emergency provision presented by Codacons on the request for suspension of the Tremonti bonds for Siena. The hearing will then be held on March 22 and not on the 8th.


In light of the Ftse Mib Buzzi Unicem +4,17%, Stm +4,15%, Prysmian +4,09% which benefits from an adjusted net profit up 22% and a coupon doubled to 0,42 euro, Tenaris + 2,84%. At the bottom of the basket also Ferragamo -0,20% and Parmalat -0,11%.


Rcs +4,62% runs thanks to the declarations of confidence in CEO Jovane's plan by shareholder Giuseppe Lucchini for whom "the plan has the numbers to bring home the result". L'Espresso down -2,68% in the wake of the reduction in net profit to 21,8 million and the board's decision not to distribute the dividend
