
Bain Capitol inflames the American electoral campaign

After the health care reform and the reduction of funds destined for defense, it is now the Bain Capitol that is at the center of the electoral campaign of the two Republican and Democratic sides.

Bain Capitol inflames the American electoral campaign

Although Romney, former governor of Massachusetts and former head of Bain Capitol (an asset management and financial services company founded in 1984) in an interview with Time Magazine did not provide a precise answer to the question of why an entrepreneur could be a better candidate at the White House of his opponent, Romney himself let it be known in a video that, although he sometimes managed to create jobs and sometimes not, he understood how American companies can compete with foreign companies, because the world of work displaced from America, and how to create jobs in the United States. Indeed, during this "hot" presidential campaign, Romney and his staff have pressed for voters to see their Republican nominee as a private-sector wizard, without thinking too much about what that magic might involve.

In addition, the staff working for the Republican presidential election campaign said that the work as CEO at the Bain Capitol has been very prolific, as it has made the company more competitive internationally, creating jobs and growing the companies acquired or in which they have invested.

From a Democratic perspective, only two-time former President Bill Clinton appears to be defending the Republican nominee. Even Obama, however, "opens up" to the Republican candidate Romney by saying that: "there is nothing wrong with being proud of the success achieved as head of a company". It is precisely this company that Obama wants to focus on for his anti-Romney campaign. In fact, Obama considers the Bain Capitol (and wants the voters to consider it too) a "vampire" company that sucks up other smaller companies and which, due of Romney, took jobs away from many Americans, taking them abroad instead. Furthermore, Obama believes that Romney “got away with several million dollars” thus underlining the Republican's inadequacy as a candidate for the presidency of the United States.

Despite everything, however, on both sides there are many dark sides according to many American media to be resolved, including the role played by Romney at the Bain.


