
Bail-in, Parliament asks to bring forward the review

Parliament approved 4 motions, including that of the Democratic Party, which ask to review the bail-in rules for banks in crisis before May 2018 - The motions also ask to be able to use the resources of the interbank guarantee fund pending complete the Banking Union with the introduction of the European deposit guarantee – Stop the sale to savers of subordinated bonds and other risky products

Bail-in, Parliament asks to bring forward the review

Review before May 2018 the bail-in rules (the rescue of banks in crisis with internal resources of shareholders, bondholders and depositors above 100 thousand euros) and press the European Commission to complete the Banking Union by introducing the guarantee as soon as possible on bank deposits. This is the message coming out of Parliament, which yesterday approved 4 motions on the bail-in, including that of the Democratic Party which endorses the indications recently advanced by the Bank of Italy and in part by Economy Minister Pier Carlo himself Padoan.

The motion of the Pd is not in contrast with what the president of the ECB, Mario Draghi, argued on Monday, who considers it difficult to change the rules just introduced with the bail-in, but urges their revision by anticipating the deadline, already set by the European Commission, of May 2018.

For this reason, Parliament invites the Government to resume negotiations within the European Union and to press for the completion of the Banking Union with the adoption of the European guarantee on bank deposits, pending which it is proposed to be able to use the resources of the Interbank Fund for bailouts guarantee without this being considered as State aid.

The motions also ask that the sale to savers of subordinated bonds and other particularly risky financial products be prohibited.

Instead, Parliament rejected the motion of the 5 Star Movement which proposed to postpone for two years the use of the bail-in, introduced throughout Europe from January XNUMXst. 
