Bad weather: 12 dead in Sicily, Veneto on its knees


The fury of the water and mud claimed 10 victims in the province of Palermo, nine in Casteldaccia and one in Vicari, and two in Cammarata, in the province of Agrigento. A house in the Casteldaccia countryside, in the Dogali district, was overwhelmed by the water that invaded the streets. Two children aged 3 and 15 and a XNUMX-year-old boy died. Two families were gathered in the house, for a total of 12 people: grandfather, children and grandchildren exterminated by the flood. The landlord and his granddaughter had left the house on an errand shortly before the tragedy and survived. Of the ten remaining in the house, there was only one survivor who saved himself by climbing a tree. And while messages of condolences and controversies arrive from all over the parliamentary arc, the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte arrives in Sicily.

The tragedy was caused by heavy rains and the flooding of the Milicia river: the house was overwhelmed by water and mud which left no escape for the two families. A crisis unit has been created within the prefecture of Palermo for relief efforts, coordinated by the prefect Antonella De Miro. The divers of the fire brigade were on site for the operations of recovery of the bodies.

Meanwhile the damage count continues in Veneto, especially in the Belluno area, where the head of civil protection Angelo Borrelli defined the situation as "apocalyptic". "We have to leave immediately because we can't wait for the final damage count and wait at least two months - underlined Borrelli - We are suffering throughout Italy, but in this territory the suffering is much heavier“, he added, announcing his intention to ask “from next week the declaration of a state of emergency for the allocation of the first resources".

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"We have recorded winds up to 180 km/h in the valleys and therefore the devastation was similar to that of Liguria. We will ask for the declaration of a state of emergency for the first resources – added Borelli -. Then regulations and ordinances for the management of debris and management of procurement procedures for restoration works. After August, the national coordination of Civil Protection met to amend the procurement code. We had hoped for rules to be used in the emergency ".

The forecasts, unfortunately, are not encouraging: on Sunday still on red alert of the Civil Protection in Sicily (north-west and the Egadi and Ustica islands, south-west and the island of Pantelleria, central-south and the Pelagie islands) due to hydraulic and hydrogeological risks. Orange alert in Lazio and on sectors of Emilia Romagna, Veneto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia. On Monday there will be a small truce in the South (even if new rainfall is expected in Lazio, Campania and Puglia), but the rain will return very heavily throughout the North, including that Veneto already on its knees. And the temperatures will also drop.



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