Terna shares, TRN share prices on the Stock Exchange

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Terna headquarters in Rome
Terna headquarters in Rome

ISIN code: IT0003242622
Sector: Utilities
Industry: Power plants

Terna's shares are listed on the Italian market on the Milan Stock Exchange under the ticker TRN.

Look at the history of the quotation of the share on the Milan Stock Exchange

Company Description

Terna – National Electricity Grid works in energy distribution. Through Terna Rete Italia, manages the National Transmission Grid with 74669 km of high voltage power lines.

It is based in Rome.

It is one of the leaders in the sector and the first independent network operator in Europe and among the main ones in the world for kilometers of managed lines.

Its activity focuses on the development, use and maintenance of the electricity grid. Another task is to ensure that the supply of energy fed into the grid is constantly equal to the demand, ie electricity consumption.

As of 2019 it has 4.290 employees.

Currently the president of Terna is Valentina Bosetti and the CEO is Stefano Antonio Donnarumma.

It has been listed on the FTSE MIB index of Borsa Italiana since 2004.

In February 2021 i main shareholders result:

  • CDP Reti SpA – 29,851%
  • Lazard Asset Management LLC – 5,122%

In 2019, turnover was 2.295,1 million euros with a profit of 757,3 million.

Terna's shares are currently traded at 6,3 euros.

His slogan is «The responsibility of energy. The energy of responsibility».

Economic and financial analysis of the company

The group was born as Terna – Electricity Transmission National Grid SPA as a branch of Enel in 1999 following the liberalization of the electricity sector implemented by the Bersani decree. Terna manages the Italian high and very high voltage transmission grid (AT-AAT).

Subsequently, Enel sold its share package in June 2004 with a public sale offer on the Stock Exchange. Enel initially maintained a 50% stake, to reduce the stake and definitively sell it to CDP in September 2005.

In November 2005 it acquired the branch of the company GRTN extension.

In April 2009 Terna acquired from Enel, 100% of Enel High Voltage Lines Srl, company that owns 18 kilometers of high voltage electricity grid for a consideration of 583 million euro.

In 2010 Terna joined the Desertec project which has as its objective the production and transmission of renewable energy in the areas of the Middle East and North Africa.

In 2011, Terna changed its corporate structure by setting up a holding company. Two wholly owned operating companies depend on this holding company: Terna Rete Italia and Terna Plus.

In 2013 Terna started the creation of some strategic works. Among the main works is the connection with the submarine cable between Capri-Torre Annunziata, a work that will be completed at the end of 2019.

Terna has 74.669 km of electricity lines and 26 interconnection lines with foreign countries. It has 888 transformation and switching stations. It has a National Control Center and three teleconducting centers.
She owns KNEW, the deepest submarine cable in the world,, 435 km long, with a power of 1000 MW, which connects Sardinia with Lazio.

The subsidiaries are listed below:

Chart of companies controlled by Terna

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Terna headquarters in Via Galbani

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