ConocoPhillips shares, COP share prices on the stock exchange

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ConocoPhillips website
ConocoPhillips website

ISIN code: US20825C1045
Sector: Energy minerals
Industry: Oil and gas production

Le actions of ConocoPhillips are listed on the NYSE US market under the ticker COP.

View the stock's NYSE listing history

Company Description

La ConocoPhillips is a American oil company. The company was born on August 30, 2002 from the merger of Conoco Inc. with the Phillips Petroleum Company.

The head office is in Houston.

ConocoPhillips is one of the largest oil companies in the world. Most of its production takes place in the United States (49%); the other production sites are in Canada, Australia, Norway, Qatar, Libya, China, Indonesia and East Timor. In the United States, one third of production takes place in Alaska.
It has 19 refining sites in the world (12 in the United States). It reaches a capacity of 2.901.000 BPD (barrels per day) which makes it the fifth largest refining company in the world (second in the US).

It operates in more than 16 countries. In the United States, its gasoline is sold through distributors Conoco, Phillips 66 e Union 76. In Europe it is present in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Hungary, Sweden, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, the United Kingdom, Finland, Germany, Poland, Norway through service stations Jet. It also sells in Malaysia, through the brand ProJET9, and in Türkiye with the brand Turkpetrol.

In F ranked 93rd. For the Forbes Global 2000, in 2020, ConocoPhillips ranked as the 201st largest public company in the world.

ConocoPhillips is publicly traded on the NYSE.

I main shareholders of ConocoPhillips, as of June 2021, are:

  • Blackrock Inc. 8,37%
  • Vanguard Group Inc 8,27%
  • State Street Corporation 5,41%
  • Capital International Investors 5,33%
  • JP Morgan Chase & Company 4,20%
  • Wellington Management Group, LLP 2,67%
  • Bank of America Corporation 1,80%

Economic and financial analysis of the company

La Conoco Inc. was born in 1875 with the name of Continental Oil and Transportation Company. He was part of the Standard Oil driven by Rockefeller.

La Phillips Petroleum Company was an American oil company incorporated in 1917. Phillips Petroleum was the first company to find oil in the North Sea on December 23, 1969.

In 2002 Conoco Inc and Phillips Petroleum merged to form ConocoPhillips and became the third largest integrated energy company and second largest refining company in the United States.

In September 2004, the company invested $2 billion in the Lukoil by taking over service stations in the United States.

In 2005 ConocoPhillips bought the chain of distributors Union 76.

In March 2006, ConocoPhillips acquired the Wilhelmshavener Raffineriegesellschaft mbH, based in Germany. Acquire the Burlington Resources for 35 billions of dollars.

In 2011, ConocoPhillips announces its intention to separate the businesses of upstream, i.e. the set of operating processes from which the production of natural gas, fuel oil and petroleum originates, from those of downstream, that is, the set of operational processes which includes the processes of transforming petroleum (refining) to obtain derivative products intended for trade and their distribution and sale.
This division also derived from the intention to create two independent companies listed on the stock exchange.

In 2012 the Phillips 66 which manages the refining and marketing activities.

In 2020, ConocoPhillips made the biggest oil discovery of the year; between 75,5 million and 201 million barrels of oil have been discovered in the North Sea.

In July 2020, the company announced the acquisition of an area in the Montney Formation in Canada for $75 million.

On October 19, 2020, ConocoPhillips announced the acquisition of Concho Resources for 9,7 billions of dollars.

The company was the first American oil company to sign the US Climate Action Partnership, a commitment to environmental protection. He dropped out of the deal in February 2010 when also BP e Caterpillar Inc. they left the partnership. ConocoPhillips is associated with energy lobbies.

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