
Petrol and diesel, average prices displayed from August XNUMXst: here's what changes with the new signs

Starting today, it is mandatory to exhibit close to the distributor's prices, even the national average ones. Fines of up to 2 euros and suspension for repeat offenders

Petrol and diesel, average prices displayed from August XNUMXst: here's what changes with the new signs

From now, first of August, click the the obligation to expose i average fuel prices: diesel, petrol, LPG and methane. This was decided by the Lazio TAR, which rejected the appeal of the petrol stations, rejecting the suspension of the provision decided by the government led by Giorgia Meloni last January to counter the alleged speculation behind the high price of petrol. Seven months after the decree-law it seemed that many of the tensions that had led to the introduction of the measure had eased. In reality, in recent days the increase in prices at the pump has rekindled the controversy. And despite the no to their requests from the TAR, the managers are not giving up and are ready to submit appeal to the State Council. Fegica and Figisc continue to argue that the average price cartel "will bring no benefit to consumers", being also incompatible with competition rules. A thesis also shared by the National Consumer Union, which defines the obligation to communicate average prices as an "unfortunate choice that will reduce competition". But let's see what changes with the new obligation to display, close to the distributor's prices, also the national average prices of petrol and diesel.

Obligation to display the average price of fuel: what happened

The question arises following the complete elimination of the discount on excise duties decided by the government last January. Obviously this caused a sudden increase in prices. However, several government officials had accused the operators of the petrol stations of speculating on the price of petrol. In reality, the data on prices did not support this reading in any way: in fact, by breaking down the prices it had emerged that the increases were exactly in line with the increase in excise duties. However, the executive had decided to issue a decree to favor one greater transparency on tariffs. Gas station attendants have long protested against this rule, even going so far strike, arguing that the obligation would not have helped to increase transparency but only to generate "more confusion".

Rising fuel prices: according to the ministry "these are isolated cases". The reply of Absoutenti

In recent days there have been new controversies regarding fuel prices following an analysis by the association Absolute users which denounced general price increases in view of the departure of millions of Italians for the summer holidays up to 2,5 euros per litre. This time, the government, instead of pointing the finger at the gas stations, has belittled the increases, claiming they were "isolated cases". “The national average prices of diesel and petrol are well below 2 euros per litre. They stand at average values ​​of 1,89 euro/lt for petrol and 1,74 euro/lt for diesel.”, specified the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy taking the latest weekly elaboration of fuel prices carried out by the Ministry's Fuel Price Observatory. “The current growth in the average price, of about 0,03 euro/lt in the past week, is determined by what is being observed in the international markets, due to the increase in the prices of both oil and refined products”.

"We are well aware that prices at 2,5 euros per liter are borderline cases but this is certainly not the problem - declared the president of Assoutenti Fabio Truzzi –. The main issue is the sharp rise in pump fuel prices which is being recorded during the summer departures of Italians, a phenomenon which occurs every year and has an enormous impact on the pockets of citizens who travel by car to reach the localities of holiday” (this year the majority).

Obligation to communicate petrol prices: what changes

The Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy has issued a special circular with all the necessary explanations and instructions for petrol stations. The prices of the fuels on sale (indicating, with the same size, the decimal digits up to the third) must be displayed in full view through billboards in dispensers in the following order from top to bottom: diesel, petrol, gpl e methane. As far as the characteristics and methods are concerned, the operators will have ample freedom of positioning but on the characters they will have to guarantee one size minimum equal to 12 cm in height. They won't even have a say in the times. Billboards with average prices will be displayed:

  • by 10:30 if the opening is before or at the same time as 8:30 or in case of opening h24;
  • within two hours of opening in other cases.

From 24 July 2023 there is an obligation for plant managers to communicate the price changeseven in the absence of changes. Otherwise, there is an immediate obligation to:

  • initial communication of the opening of a new plant for those who are not already accredited;
  • prior or contextual communication of all changes.

As regards the transmission of data from the operator to the ministry via the Osservaprezzi Carburanti portal, the provision clarifies the timing and methods of communication of the prices applied. If an operator dispenses fuel exclusively in mode served, has the obligation to communicate the prices. If it also delivers fuel self-service, only has the obligation to communicate the self-service prices.

The aggregate data (national for motorway distributors and regional for the others) will be made available online, in an open format, every morning in a specific section of the Mimit website.

  • The average prices will be published on the site Mimit;
  • The prices of the petrol stations will be published on the Observatory fuel prices portal;

What are the risks?

In case of violation of the fuel price reporting obligations apply sanction monetary administration from the 200 euro up to 2.000, also taking into account the merchant's turnover level, for the day on which the violation occurred. Furthermore, if the manager fails to comply with the obligation to notify at least 4 times, even if not consecutive, within 60 days, the suspension of activity for a period of 1 to 30 days. This sanction is applied, with the same amounts and methods, also in the event of a breach of the obligation to display the average price. The verification of violations is the responsibility of the Guardia di Finanza, while the imposition of sanctions is provided by the Prefect.
