
Autostrade publishes the Agreement: "Too many controversies"

The company burns the government on time and decides to make "public and accessible to all citizens" the set of documents that make up the Convention signed with the Italian State, including the annexes and the agreed tariffs, "to respond to the exploitations that dominate public debate". Here is the text – Toninelli in Parliament: “Major works? Maintenance first. We will review the concession system” – VIDEO.

Autostrade publishes the Agreement: "Too many controversies"

Autostrade breaks the delay and burns the government on time: it has a company, controlled by Atlantia, which manages a large part of the Italian motorway network, after the disaster in Genoa it decided to publish the agreement - and all the attachments - signed with Anas first and with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (Mit). The decided to make "public and accessible to all citizens" the set of documents signed with the State "to respond to the controversies and exploitation that dominate the public debate on the subject". And he stresses that "no internal regulation or international practice provides for the publication of such documents relating to motorway concessions". Here is the text of the Convention.

The documentation concerns the original text of the Convention, drafted at the time with Anas, approved together with the annexes of law 101 of 2008, and all the subsequent additional documents with the relative annexes. “In this way – continues the note from Autostrade per l'Italia – the company discloses all the elements governing the concession, including the so-called Financial Plan (Annex E) drawn up pursuant to CIPE resolutions. Most of these documents had already been published on the website of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport on 2 February 2018, while all of the documents themselves had already been made available in the last legislature (May 2017) to the members of the Public Works Commission of the Senate for consultation". “It is important to underline – concludes the company – that no internal regulation or international practice provides for the publication of such documents relating to motorway concessions. This is also to ensure equal conditions on the market among the various operators in the sector, also in the case of new awarding procedures".

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The agreement, for example, summarizes all the interventions already included in the fourth IV additional agreement, among which the work for the adaptation and upgrading of the section "Gronda di Ponente and A7-A10-A12 interconnection", strongly opposed by the 5 Star Movement and which if it had been done would probably have avoided the tragedy of the Morandi bridge.

In the meantime, the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Danilo Toninelli, reported on the matter in Parliament: "We need to stop chasing emergencies and we need to start planning interventions again to prevent events of this kind from happening", said Toninelli. “The first truly great work this country needs is a impressive and organic ordinary and extraordinary maintenance plan".

“The capital invested by most of the dealerships had already been largely amortized and remunerated by the mid to late 90s. Therefore, rates could at least have been drastically reduced – said the minister – of a mountain of extra profits”. "The concessionaire companies have totally benefited from the extra profits, to the detriment of the citizens who have seen and see the cost of tolls increase from time to time", he added. “This Government it will do everything to completely overhaul the concession system, evaluating from time to time whether the public interest is better protected by forms of nationalization or by the renegotiation of existing contracts so that they are less biased in favor of the concessionaires”.

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