
Autopromotec, car journeys increase in 2011. For Italians less cycling and walking

The elaboration of the Autopromotec Observatory signals the increase in the use of the car in 2011 over 2010 – 65,5% of journeys made by car – An increase of 1,3% over 2010 despite the crisis – Transports are down by bike and on foot – public transport increases slightly

Autopromotec, car journeys increase in 2011. For Italians less cycling and walking

Taxes and the increase in the price of petrol apparently do not discourage Italians from using the car. In 2011, 65,5% of trips were made by car, up 1,3% on 2010, confirming the car as the most used means of transport by Italians.

The elaboration was carried out by the Autopromotec Observatory on Isfort data (Higher Institute of Training and Research for Transport). In the 2011 ranking of the most used means of transport, cycling and walking are decreasing, reaching 18,8% from 20,8% in 2010, transport on public transport is increasing by 0,7% (at 11,4%). The motorcycle remained constant with 4,2%.
