
Autogrill antivirus: an app for booking take-away

My Autogrill is being tested in the areas of Brianza Sud and San Giuliano Ovest, but from mid-July it will land in 45 motorway points of sale – Here's how it works

Autogrill antivirus: an app for booking take-away

In anticipation of mass travel for the summer holidays, Rest introduces a series of innovations that will change the travel habits of Italians. From mid-July, to limit the risk of contagion from Covid-19, in several of the group's sales points it will be possible to eat and drink outdoors and - above all - avoid standing in line.

The secret is in the new My Autogrill app, which allows you to locate the nearest parking area thanks to geolocation and to make purchases directly online. Once you get to the place, all that remains is pick up the ready-made package and consume it wherever you want.

For those who do not want to plan a stop but choose where to stop impromptu, they will be available to Qr code. After parking, you scan the code with your phone to access the app and order. In this way the Autogrill staff know that customers are already outside the structure and prepare the order more quickly. When the food or coffee is ready, the phone from which the request was sent receives a notification and the customer can come in to collect the bag, limiting his stay inside the shop to the bare minimum.

My Autogrill is being tested in the areas of Brianza Sud and San Giuliano Ovest, but from mid-July it will land in 45 motorway points of sale.

“Covid-19 has reduced traffic in our stores by 90% – explains Andrea Cipolloni, Europe managing director of Autogrill – but it has also prompted us to imagine new business models, and one of these, obviously, was the take away".

Mid morning the stock market share of Autogrill it drops almost 2%, to 4,622 euros, while the Ftse Italia Mid Cap leaves the field 0,3%. On average over the last six months, the shares of the company controlled by the Benetton family have more than halved their value (-51%).
