
Electric and hybrid cars: boom in Italy in 2021 (37,5%)

According to Anfia, Unrae and Federauto, just a year ago just 17% of vehicles were electrified - The associations, however, confirm the crisis in the sector and ask to extend the incentives (ecobonus) "at least until 2026"

Electric and hybrid cars: boom in Italy in 2021 (37,5%)

It rears up production of electric and hybrid cars in Italy. According to the numbers released by Anfia on the occasion of a joint press conference with Unrae and Federauto, in 2019 electrified cars represented 0,1% of Italian production, while in 2020 it rose to 17,2% and in 2021 it is estimated to reach 37,5%.

In general, due to the pandemic, overall vehicle production in Italy (cars, buses and commercial vehicles) fell by 2020% in 15, while sales fell by 28%.

For this reason, the three sector associations are asking the government to make the eco-bonus structuralintended as an incentive to purchase vehicles, “at least until 2026”. Furthermore, for the next five years, Anfia, Unrae and Federauto are asking to increase "the resources for the vehicle fund for the renewal of the bus fleet" and to "continue and strengthen the policies to support the renewal of the trucking fleets with a gradual towards alternative foods.

For the Italian automotive supply chain, an ad hoc plan is “necessary – claims Paolo Scudieri, president of Anfia – which envisages the creation of a public-private task force to face the transition of the supply chain towards the electrification of vehicles (cars, goods transport vehicles and people) and to support investments in new technologies: hydrogen, automation and connectivity".

In particular, it is necessary “to simplify and strengthen the instruments of industrial policy – ​​continues Scudieri – to allow accessibility to these measures also for companies in the Center and North and to support investments in production reconversion, as well as those in research and development. Skills requalification programs must also be carried forward and tax incentive instruments are needed for the training of the new skills necessary to cope with the development of new technological trends and the requalification of the professional figures currently engaged in the production and commercial phases, who will have to adapt to these changes".
