
November 2022 pension increases, equalization, revaluation and 150 euro bonus: who is entitled to it and when does it arrive?

All the news for November 2022 pensions: from increases to the payment calendar. What will the Meloni government do? New hypotheses under consideration

November 2022 pension increases, equalization, revaluation and 150 euro bonus: who is entitled to it and when does it arrive?

Increases arriving for the retirement November 2022: retirees will receive a slightly richer slip. In fact, the second stage of the early revaluation (usually in January) of pensions to help citizens cope with rising energy costs. Also in November comes the Bonus 150 euro, the one-off indemnity provided for by the Aiuti ter decree for holders of social security checks up to 20 thousand euros.

In fact, in October, INPS has already applied the increase, equal to 2%, for pensioners and welfare benefits with a total monthly amount equal to or less than 2.692 € gross. Payment will continue on the November and December installments and on any thirteenth month's salary. But let's see all news for the pension of November 2022: from increases to the payment calendar to the hypotheses on the table of the Meloni government.

Pension equalization: who is entitled to it, how it works and what changes

La equalization of pensions is none other than one revaluation of pension amounts, in order to adjust them to the cost of living to protect their purchasing power from erosion due to inflation. It applies to all pensions provided by the public system, both direct and to survivors (survivors and indirect), as well as civil invalidity benefits and the social allowance/pension.

It's the index ISTAT of consumer prices for blue-collar and white-collar households to establish the reference value for estimating the increase to be applied, calculated first in the form of a provisional index and then as an index to be adjusted at the beginning of the year but in the following year.

However, given the phase of economic emergency, even before arriving in January 2023, retirees will benefit from this revaluation as early as November. The innovations were introduced with the Aid decree bis.

The advance of the equalization in October and November

To do the math and arrange the increase is INPS with one circular. The Cassa communicated that the increase was equal 0,2%, i.e. the difference between 1,7% estimated inflation and 1,9% actual inflation in 2021. The 0,2% adjustment is added to the increase one-off 2% of the pension installments due in the last quarter of 2022.

For both measures it will not be necessary to ask a question. The adjustment will be applied automatically to the amount received and will be indicated on the pension slip.

Pension revaluation: who is entitled to it and methods of attribution

La revaluation definitive will not be applied equally for all, but will vary according to the bracket of the amount of the check that is subject to revaluation. It is the staggered system (referred to in law 288/2000). The reductions in the revaluation rate apply only to allowances exceeding certain thresholds. In particular, the pension:

• by amount up to four times the minimum, i.e. up to 2.062,32 euros, will have the full increase of 1,9% (therefore full adjustment of 0,2%);

• for the amount included between four and five times the minimum, i.e. between 2.062,33 and 2.577,90 euros, will have the increase reduced to 90%, i.e. the definitive revaluation of 1,71%, without prejudice to the full revaluation (1,9%) of the bracket up to 2.062 euros;

• by amount more than five times the minimum, i.e. over 2.577,91 euros, will instead have a reduced increase of 75%, i.e. the definitive revaluation of 1,425%, without prejudice to the full revaluation of the bracket up to 2.062 euros and 1,71% of the range between 2.062 and 2.577 euros.

Pension revaluation November 2022, increases by amount ranges

Unlike the equalization of pensions, the 2% increase is recognized if the monthly pension treatment is equal to or less than the gross amount of 2.692 euros per month (about 35 thousand euros per year). The increase is calculated in the same way as the annual revaluation of pensions. This means that it varies according to three bands:

• gives 0 € up to € 2.097,40, the increase is equal to 2% and can reach a maximum of 41,95 euros;

• over 2.097,40 e up to € 2.621,75, the increase is equal to 1,8% and can reach a maximum of 9,44 euros;

• over 2.621,75 e up to € 2.692,00, the increase is 1,5% and can reach a maximum of 1,05 euro;

• over 2.692,00 e up to € 2.744,44, the increase is fixed and equal to 52,44 euros.

The INPS minimum therefore rises from 524,35 to 528,38 euros (in November, between the increase and arrears, approximately 10 euros are due). The increase is already triggered automatically with the October pensions 2022, and will also be calculated in the pensions for November and December 2022 (including the thirteenth month). The 2% increase on the installment of the thirteenth month it is paid in proportion to the thirteenth month installments due. For example, if the thirteenth month is 1.200 euros for the whole year, the bonus is paid only on 300 euros of pension (ie 3/12 of the whole year).

Instead, in the case of pensions that are not entitled to the thirteenth month, the increase will not be paid.

Pension equalization 2023: what will happen in January?

Da January 2023 the revaluation will then start for all those entitled on the basis of the inflation data for 2022, expected to grow strongly. The exact percentage is established with a ministerial cedar that arrives around mid-November. This time it could exceed 8% based on data from September (7,1%) and October (8%). And also in this case the number calculated on the whole year will prevail. And the balance? Barring news, it will start in January 2023.

Retirement November 2022: the payment schedule

Il payment of pensions Inps already started on Wednesday 2 November for people who receive their pensions in their bank current accounts and holders of a savings book, a BancoPosta account or a Postepay Evolution.

As well as the withdrawal of the pension in cash. here is the calendar of the Poste Italiane offices with the division in alphabetical order:

  • 2th November: from A to B;
  • 3th November: from C to D;
  • 4th November: from E to K;
  • 5th November: from L to O;
  • 7th November: from P to R;
  • 8th November: from S to Z

Also the professional pension – like that of lawyers – is paid the first “bankable” of each month. As November 2st was a public holiday, the payment was postponed to November XNUMXnd. But the pension slip is already made available at the end of October and can be viewed from the reserved area of ​​the social security institution.

150 euro pension bonus: when does it arrive?

Also comes in November Bonus 150 euro for retirees with an income not exceeding 20 thousand euros. The indemnity is automatically paid to pensioners together with the monthly salary for November.

Please note that this indemnity is not taxable for tax purposes and is not relevant for the payment of other social security and welfare benefits.

Meloni government on pensions: bonus for those who stay and flexible 102-103 quota

Among the urgent dossiers awaiting the Meloni government there is also that of pensions. To avoid the return to the Fornero law - since in 2022 the experience of 102 quota (guaranteed retirement with at least 64 years of age and 38 contributions) -, the only way forward at the moment is that of a extension ofSocial bee need Woman option (contributory seniority equal to or greater than 35 years and a registered age equal to or greater than 58 years for female employees and 59 years for self-employed workers). There is little time for the Budget Law and also the funds available are quite limited. But there are some new things on the table: a bonus for those who stay e Odds 102 or 103 flexible.

Meloni government pensions: the hypotheses

There are those who push (the League) to introduce a bonus for those who decide to continue working. But not calibrated for over 63s and not for everyone. It would be one total de-contribution (contribution relief) which, in fact, would increase the net salary (by about a third) to encourage certain categories to continue working, especially in the public sector (starting with doctors), beyond the retirement threshold.

The League, as we know, always pushes for 41 quota (constraint of 41 years of contribution and with 61 years of age). But the cost of this intervention would be excessive. Which is why, according to the new government, the team could be halfway there. We are talking about Quota 102 or 103 (41 years of payments and 62 years of age) with a flexible mix starting from a predefined minimum threshold: retirement premature with 63 years old e 40 years of payments.
