
Atlantia-Gemina, Castellucci: dividend does not change

Atlantia's CEO in the conference call with analysts: “There are no integration risks in the project and I see no reason to change the dividend policy” – Profit taking on the shares of the two companies continues in Piazza Affari.

Atlantia-Gemina, Castellucci: dividend does not change

La merger between Atlantia and Gemina "it will allow for a reduction in the costs of the investment plan" for Aeroporti di Roma (Adr). This was stated by the managing director of the holding controlled by the Benetton family, John Castellucci, in a conference call with financial analysts on the details of the operation with the company that controls 95,7% of Adr.

“There are no risks of integration into the project – continued Castellucci – The merger will create a strong group with great growth potential, it is very important for the country and for industry in Italy. AND I see no reason to change the dividend policy. I am very proud to be able to say that after this merger we can truly become a global operator in infrastructure, with a large presence in Italy and a large investment plan, and that we can become a player that will be second to none in the world”.

For Fabrizio Palenzona, chairman of Gemina and Adr, the operation will lead to the creation of “one of the main global operators in the infrastructure sector, combining Adr's capabilities as an airport manager with Atlantia's extraordinary ability to stay on the international market and to act as one of the most efficient managers of public works in the world”.

The merger, added Palenzona, will combine "ADR's great commitment to infrastructure development with Atlantia's ability and know-how, both for the management of the works and for the ability to find resources on the market".

The green light to the merger project - which arrived two days ago - weighs on the shares on the Atlantia Stock Exchange e gemina: hit by profit-taking, the shares lost 4,08 and 6,89% respectively at the end of the morning.
