
Atlante buys Npl of the three Good Banks

The Fund would have received the go-ahead to purchase a substantial package of non-performing loans from Banca Marche, Banca Etruria and Carichieti, the three banks about to switch to Ubi.

Atlante buys Npl of the three Good Banks

According to press sources, the Atlante Fund has received the go-ahead to purchase a substantial portion of the non-performing loans of the three Good Banks (Banca Marche, Banca Etruria, Carichieti) which are expected to be purchased shortly by Ubi. Again according to these rumors, tomorrow, Friday 30 December, they will be held the boards of three institutes to resolve on the sale of around two thirds of the 3,7 billion Npl still in their possession, so as to clean up the balance sheets in view of the transition to Ubi.

However, the final signing of the agreement between Ubi and the Resolution Fund will still have to wait a few days as the seller must complete the formal procedures required by the procedure. It is therefore it is conceivable that the formalization of the agreement will take place in the first weeks of Januaryexcept for setbacks.
