
Btp auction: Treasury fills up but rates go up

The Treasury has placed all 3,5 billion euros, the maximum of the new three-year BTP, but the rate has risen to 0,70% from 0,52% last month.

Btp auction: Treasury fills up but rates go up

The Treasury is full of BTP but interest rates rise significantly. This morning via XX Settembre placed all the 3,5 billion euros offered at auction, but the yield rose to 0,70% from 0,52% last month.

Also sold were two billion of the seven-year BTP (at a stable rate of 1,71%) and 1,25 billion of the thirty-year bond (with a yield of 3,66%).

On the secondary market, the spread between 144,52-year BTPs and Bunds was 2,33 points at the end of the morning, with a yield on the Italian bond of 10%: the figure is up slightly compared to last Friday, when the 143,70-year BTP closed at XNUMX points.

Meanwhile, at the end of the morning, Piazza Affari was up by half a percentage point.
