
PA recruitment: Government-union agreement on the way

Draghi and Brunetta will sign an agreement with CGIL, CISL and UIL which provides, among other things, for the unblocking of competitions and special procedures to select the technicians necessary to implement the recovery plan. News also for rewards and productivity

PA recruitment: Government-union agreement on the way

On Wednesday, the Minister of Public Administration, Renato Brunetta, and the Prime Minister, Mario Draghi, will sign with the secretaries of CGIL, Cisl e Uil a "Pact for the innovation of public work and social cohesion”. The political objective of the government is to build an axis with the unions to facilitate the public administration reform, one of the measures that Europe requires us to adopt in order to be entitled to aid from the Recovery Fund.

On the merits, the agreement aims to increase the efficiency of the PA without conflicts with the social partners. This time, therefore, no controversy about the "slackers", nor threats of sanctions or forced return to work in the presence. From the unions there are openings on flexibility in the organization of work, in personnel management and in the use of technologies, but not in level of protections guaranteed by contracts, which remains unchanged.

To put the Recovery plan into practice in the coming months, the priority theme is that of assumptions. The state needs to recruit thousands of technicians, engineers, green investment experts and experts in the use and reporting of European funds. For this reason, as anticipated on Monday by Minister Brunetta during a meeting with the Anci, the agreement with the unions will be based on three pillars:

  1. Unlock contests and of the procedures already started, also thanks to one revision of the Covid protocols, which in some cases have proved to be too strict.
  2. Streamlining of tender procedures (to date, the mandatory obligations can cause you to lose up to 18 months).
  3. "Specific paths to select specialists intended for the implementation of the investments of the PNRR". Particularly rapid procedures are being studied for this type of recruitment, which will be on a fixed-term basis. At the same time, the system of positions will be extended, i.e. public managers on direct call.

According to rumors, the unlocking of the competitions will take a maximum of 4-5 weeks.

In return for the trade unions, Brunetta spoke of "abandon the era of turnover blocks, contractual rigidities and ceilings referring to anachronistic indicators”. They will jump Than we the constraints set in 2017 productivity bonuses and incentives foreseen with decentralized bargaining. They will be guaranteed instead best parental permissions and the enlargement to the state of the relief on accumulation in supplementary pension funds. An update plan is also envisaged, especially in digital, included in working hours.
