
Assorinnovabili, yes to the merger with Assoelettrica

“We were the first in Europe – explains Agostino Re Rebaudengo, President of Assorinnovabili – to understand that being together does not mean losing representation, but strengthening it”.

Assorinnovabili, yes to the merger with Assoelettrica

Today's assoRinnovabili Assembly expressed its willingness to proceed with the merger with Assoelettrica, giving way to the “Elettricità Futura” project.

“The future of energy starts here – he comments Agostino Re Rebaudengo, President of assoRinnovabili – after two years of hard work, comparison and collaboration with Assoelettrica, it is with great pride that we announce the imminent birth of a single "new" association in the electricity world, which will represent, with an innovative formula, the many companies, small and large companies operating in the electricity sector”.

“We were the first in Europe – continues Re Rebaudengo – to understand that being together does not mean losing representativeness, but strengthening it to overcome new challenges and changes in mix and market, in the belief that the historical contrast between renewables and fossil fuels is now out of date. Only in this way will we be able to create the foundations for an efficient electricity market capable of responding to the challenges of the moment and to the necessary electrification of consumption (also considering the serious problems of air pollution).

The new Europe of energy begins with "Future Electricity".
