
Assoprevidenza: income support with pension funds

The proposal of the Assoprevidenza working group: with the use of part of the accumulated individual amount, the Pension Fund can finance a temporary annuity for workers close to retirement but in difficulty.

Assoprevidenza: income support with pension funds

Income support for workers approaching retirement age who lose their jobs or whose earnings are reduced can be offered by the supplementary pension scheme. This is the result of the first working step of the Working Group set up by Assoprevidenza and presented this morning in Rome during the seminar "Society and Assistance: proposals for an integrated approach". 

To explore the matter further and arrive at defining an organic proposal for integrated welfare, Assoprevidenza has set up a working group, participated by the Staff Pension Fund of the BNL/BNP Paribas Italia Group and by the Orrù & Associati Actuarial Firm. Different areas are covered in the light of the evolution of the social context. 

“The first focus of the working group – explained Sergio Corbello, president of Assoprevidenza – concerned the identification of feasible solutions within a pension fund, for the disbursement of a temporary annuity benefit, in the event of a reduction or absence of working income close to the accrual of the right to the basic pension benefit". 

According to the analyzes of the Assoprevidenza Working Group, the financing of the temporary annuity for older workers can be achieved through the use of part of the accumulated individual amount. There are two options for use, linked to the income expectations of the member of the Fund as a result of a total or partial reduction in working hours: 

1) 30% of the amount (choice that takes into account the possibility offered by the legislation to obtain the advance after 8 years of permanence in the Fund); 

2) 50% of the amount. 

In order to strengthen the function of the supplementary fund as a resource to turn to for the coverage of varied needs and taking into account the fact that, also as a result of the Fornero reform, the basic pension benefits, used in progressively more advanced age, will in any case be sufficient for the first period of retirement, once both the right to a pension and therefore the possibility of using the residual amount have been reached, an alternative solution has been identified with respect to the payment of the immediate life annuity. 

"A deferment of the disbursement of the annuity by the pension fund was thus evaluated - added Corbello - in order to obtain a greater value of the annuity itself, also in function of the potential future needs connected with the progress of ageing".
