
Assoprevidenza, Corbello re-elected president

The shareholders' meeting of the Association for complementary social security and assistance has renewed the steering committee for the three-year period 2020-2023.

Assoprevidenza, Corbello re-elected president

Sergio Corbello was reconfirmed president of Assoprevidenza, the Association for complementary social security and assistance, at the end of the shareholders' meeting which elected the new steering committee for the three-year period 2020-2023. Deputy Vice-President is Olivia Masini, Vice-President Alessandro Zanon. The board includes Alessandro Baldi, Fabio Cappelloni, Giuseppe Chianese, Agostino Cingarlini, Luigi Di Falco, Ivonne Forno, Claudio Graziano, Teresa Greco, Gabriele Livi, Graziano Lo Bianco, Franca Maino, Fabio Marchetti, Eugenio Ruggiero, Pasquale Sandulli, Alberto Tosti , Pier Vaisitti, Gianfranco Verzaro.

The modernization of Italian real estate assets can also have supplementary pension funds among its lenders: under certain conditions, the tax benefits that encourage redevelopment operations in fact, they represent interesting investment opportunities. This was discussed in a webinar that opened the work of the assembly. Some funds are still owners of large real estate assets, others could invest in alternative funds (AIF) specialized in the sale and purchase of tax credits deriving from tax incentives.

“These investments – stated the president of Assoprevidenza Sergio Corbello in his introductory speech – could combine the result of a return that is in any case profitable with the possibility of making a credit purchase service available to its members at a controlled price, so as to facilitate the stimulus to carry out housing redevelopment interventions”. Taking into account the diffusion of first home ownership in Italy and the fact that, notoriously, construction sets in motion several sectors, it would be – again according to Corbello – capillary investments in the real economy capable of also having a social impact.

After a technical-fiscal intervention by Eugenio Ruggiero, the President of Assoimmobiliare Silvia Rovere took part in the debate, underlining the need to "team up" to redevelop the Italian real estate assets and our cities; the CEO of Alternative Capital Partners Evarist Granata, who argued that the super Ecobonus "represents a unique opportunity for pension funds and funds to support their members and the real economy through the energy upgrading of the national housing stock"; the Chief Executive Officer of INVIMIT sgr Giovanna della Posta, who illustrated the model for the valorisation of public properties, with the direct involvement of professional investors.

"The i3 Dante Fund, the first operational example of this model - he said - allows you to invest in the real economy and at the same time contribute to the reduction of public debt"; the General Manager of REAM sgr Oronzo Perrini, who supported the importance of having technically advanced social infrastructures (RSA, health facilities, student residences) to successfully deal with health emergencies, including pandemic ones. The associative bodies of Assoprevidenza for the new three-year period have been completed with the Board of Auditors (Fabio Carniol Chairman, Eugenio Burani, Claudio Lesca) and the Board of Arbitrators (Loredana Pesoli Chairman, Luca Laurini, Francesco Vallacqua).
