
Assopopolari: the presentation of Luzzatti's writings in Rome

Thursday afternoon at the Istituto Sturzo di Rona, Assopopolari presents the new historical-juridical series of the writings of Luigi Luzzatti, icon of popular banks, dedicated to the historic president of Popolare di Sondrio, Piero Melazzini, who died two years ago

“The legal passion for freedom” is the title of the historical-legal series of writings by Luigi Luzzatti published by the National Association of Popular Banks and dedicated by this to Piero Melazzini, the historic president of Banca Popolare di Sondrio who died two years ago.

The editorial operation will be presented during a conference to be held Thursday 30 November starting at 17.00 in Rome in Via delle Coppelle 35 at Palazzo Baldassini, headquarters of the Luigi Sturzo Institute.

Moderated by Paolo Zucca, in addition to the President of Assopopolari, Corrado Sforza Fogliani, Giorgio Assumma, Gaetano Caputi, Carlo Fratta Pasini, Leonardo Patroni Griffi, Riccardo Pedrizzi, Giulio Sapelli will intervene.

Nicola Antonetti will bring the greetings of the Sturzo Institute and the top management of Popolare di Sondrio will be present with the President, Francesco Venosta, and the General Manager, Mario Pedranzini.

Piero Melazzini and Luigi Luzzatti are two different personalities who lived in distant historical and cultural periods. However, they are united by the values ​​of cooperation, solidarity and subsidiarity which have constituted the identity of the cooperative and cooperative banking system. A system of values ​​and relationships that has accompanied the development of the economies of our country's territories and today accompanies the recovery of the real economy.
