
Assonime: "Yes to the Def but reduce the debt"

The Governing Council met the Undersecretary for the Economy and Finance Pier Paolo Baretta for an exchange of views on the Update Note of the DEF

The Board of Directors of Assonime, chaired by Innocenzo Cipolletta, met this morning in the headquarters in Piazza Venezia. On the proposal of President Cipolletta, the Board has appointed Paolo Astaldi and Luca Garavoglia as vice-presidency of the Association. He also appointed the members of the new Presidential Committee, which includes, in addition to the President and Vice-Presidents, Maurizio Sella (Past President), Luigi Abete, Franco Bassanini, Matteo Del Fante, Patrizia Grieco and Gian Maria Gros Pietro.

The Board met the Undersecretary for the Economy and Finance Pier Paolo Baretta for an exchange of points of view on the Update Note of the DEF. As stated by the Undersecretary, "our country is finally on the road to good economic growth, which must be strengthened and made structural, overcoming the widespread concern that it is only a recovery
conjunctural. For this reason we are not satisfied, we must not be complacent, as President Gentiloni has repeated several times in recent days, and also yesterday, in a hearing, by Minister Padoan. Instead, we must continue along the path of reform and be aware that there are still important uphill stretches. This is the authentic meaning of the 'narrow path' of which we repeatedly speak, as a stimulus for everyone. Otherwise we would risk having only a negative sense of the uphill road”.

The Council expressed its appreciation for the Government's orientation to accelerate the reduction of the debt/GDP ratio. He underlined the importance of concentrating the scarce resources available in the next budget law on investments and the reduction of labor costs. The Board approved the admission of new associated companies: Avio Spa, Goglio Spa and Geico Spa. In addition to the Chairman Innocenzo Cipolletta, the following members were present at the meeting: Luigi Abete, Paolo Astaldi, Franco Bassanini, Alberto Bombassei, Sandro Buzzi, Elio Catania, Claudio Costamagna, Sandro De Poli, Matteo Del Fante, Alessandro Falciai, Luca Garavoglia, Gioia Ghezzi, Gian Maria Gros Pietro, Pietro Guindani, Gaetano Maccaferri, Vittorio Mincato, Andrea Moltrasio, Eugenio Pinto, Carlo Salvatori, Maurizio Sella, Pierluigi Stefanini, Massimo Tononi. Also present were the President of ABI Antonio Patuelli and the General Managers of ABI Giovanni Sabatini and Confindustria Marcella Panucci.
