
Assonime: tax reform and intelligent spending cuts to revive the economy

Tax reform (less Irpef and Ires, more VAT and assets for natural persons) and selective spending cuts (raising the retirement age) to restore the public budget in line with Europe and before the turbulence of the financial markets take them by surprise: it is the recipe of Assonime that re-elected Luigi Abete as president

Are spending cuts or tax reform more urgent? Probably both and to offer the political and social forces a proposal for the consolidation of public finances that is in line with Europe, protects us from financial turmoil and stimulates economic growth, Assonime presented today, in its assembly, an organic and innovative proposal that will not fail to be discussed. Abete, who was confirmed as president for another two years, is evidently a lucky man: the Assonime assembly and the presentation of his economic policy recipe could not have come at a more propitious moment to open a discussion on economic policy on the eve of a new political phase.
“We have to make difficult choices – argued Abete – which cannot be postponed: we need to quickly rediscover the ability to decide, otherwise there is the risk of leaving the country defenseless in front of the financial markets. I reject the idea that we can't do it. It is up to politics and social forces to overcome divisions, show the way and build consensus on adequate measures to re-establish sustainable balances in the public budget, which are fair in the distribution of sacrifices and capable of relaunching growth".

TAX: A BALANCE SHEET FOR GROWTH – Assonime's most courageous and original proposals – the result of a long process coordinated by the general manager Stefano Micossi – came in the fiscal field. It doesn't happen every day, therefore, to see an association of listed companies, especially large and medium-sized ones, proposing a wealth tax on natural persons to contribute to the growth and transparency of the economic system. Assonime's reasoning starts from the premise that reducing taxes on labor and businesses without evading the budget constraints signed at the European level, is only possible if we shift the tax loads with the same total revenue. hence the proposal to reduce the personal income tax for the weaker classes (lowest rate from 23 to 20%) - together with a contribution to the less well-off and a general unemployment benefit - and to reduce the Ires rate in exchange for an increase in VAT rates, a uniform taxation of financial income and an annual tax on the assets of natural persons, ie a sort of tax on the wealth of natural persons.

EXPENDITURE CUTS: RAISE THE RETIREMENT AGE BUT NOT ONLY – Among the spending cuts proposed by Assonime, a particular chapter concerns social security, where it is suggested to reduce early retirement and instead raise the retirement age (to 70 by 2040), to establish the essential levels of health standard costs, to rationalize spending on education and to enhance the voucher system, to contain spending on public personnel by increasing their efficiency, (fl)
