
Assonime, Maurizio Sella new president

The new president of Assonime, who succeeds Luigi Abete, indicated two priorities: an extraordinary plan for employment aimed above all at young people and women as well as targeted actions to improve the liquidity situation and reduce the spread.

Assonime, Maurizio Sella new president

The Assonime assembly appointed Maurizio Sella as president of the association for the two-year period 2013-2014. Maurizio Sella succeeds Luigi Abete, who has reached the end of his second term and can no longer be renewed.

"I think Assonime offers a horizontal experience of representation to be valued and extended - said Abete - The business system would do well to define a stable forum for discussion on general topics of interest, a real business consultation".

Sella then spoke of "three obvious and serious diseases of the Italian economy": a dualistic labor market in which just over 10 million overprotected workers coexist with almost as many workers with a much lower degree of protection, up to extreme forms of precariousness; the inefficiency of the public sector, with a completely disproportionate presence of the state in the economy and with results that are too inferior to the resources invested; the lack of competition, with too many sectors in which the defense of the existing continues to prevail over the opening of the markets to new initiatives and new capital.

The new president of Assonime therefore indicated two priorities: an extraordinary plan for employment aimed above all at young people and women, as well as targeted actions to improve the liquidity situation and reduce the spread. "In this context, the government could evaluate – said Sella – the possibility of signing a memorandum of intent with the European authorities, with the aim of creating the conditions to facilitate the recovery of the economy in our country".

As for the tax authorities, Sella relaunched Assonime's proposal aimed at achieving a rebalancing of tax burdens more favorable to investment and growth in a context of reduction of public spending and the tax burden. Finally, the fight against tax evasion remains of great importance, also with a view to improving the relationship between the taxpayer and the financial administration: "We welcome - added Sella - the idea of ​​setting up a fund in which to merge the flows of fight against tax evasion by allocating it to tax reductions”.
