
Assolombarda participates in the "Pmi Day": over 1.200 students "at school" in small and medium-sized enterprises in the area

The goal is to introduce the new generations to the business world and its opportunities through meetings and guided visits to companies

Assolombarda participates in the "Pmi Day": over 1.200 students "at school" in small and medium-sized enterprises in the area

More than 1.200 students have participated in the initiative of Assolombarda as part of “Industriamoci – Pmi Day”, the national day of small and medium-sized enterprises organized by Confindustria. The aim is to introduce the new generations to the business world and its opportunities through meetings and guided visits to companies. L'2022 edition, the first in presence after the pandemic, has as its main theme "The beauty of Italian know-how", a "beauty" that is the result of the skills, values ​​and culture that we find in the goods and services produced by companies.

The first phase of the "Pmi Day"

The students of 15 lower secondary schools were able to "virtually" visit, directly from school and in connection with companies, 4 realities in the area: Nowal Chemistry (Cuggiono, chemical sector); Solana (Maccastorna, food sector); Boiling (Sulbiate, mechatronic sector); APC (Vigevano, fashion sector). In this first phase, the entrepreneurs told how and in what form beauty manifests itself in their work and in their corporate realities. Later, the students will be involved in a series of activities to be carried out in the classroom to reflect on the presence of the industrial fabric in the area and on the relationship between the productive dimension and "beauty". The central moment of this phase will be the interview with an entrepreneur that the students themselves will conduct to gather information and stimuli for orientation reflection.

Gerardini: "Bringing students closer to the business world"

“The initiative we have organized intends to involve young people by stimulating in them a prospective vision of their future, through an intergenerational exchange on issues concerning the values ​​of work, "doing business", the working environment, the relationship between the productive space for the community and the territory – he declared Paul Gerardini, president of Piccola Industria of Assolombarda -. The basic aim is to introduce students to the operational culture of the small and medium-sized Italian enterprise, a subject that brings economic development and a place of personal fulfillment for those who engage in work in the enterprise. We are therefore certain that initiatives of this type are essential for bringing students closer to the business world, arousing new interests and passions in them, as well as acting positively on the wide mismatch that exists between job supply and demand, one of the most heartfelt priorities from SMEs".
