
Assogestioni: asset management, record inflows in the second quarter

The result – underlined Assogestioni – brings the flows of savings flowing into the system to over 60 billion euro during the first half of 2014 and which allows assets to touch the new record level of 1.460 billion euro – The products in particular have contributed to their success flexible (+€11,1 billion).

Assogestioni: asset management, record inflows in the second quarter

The asset management industry left the second quarter behind with positive inflows of 30,9 billion euro. A result – underlined Assogestioni – which brings the flows of savings flowing into the system to over 60 billion in the first half of 2014 and which allows assets to touch the new record level of 1.460 billion euro.

In detail, as at 30 June, assets invested in collective management amounted to approximately 664 billion. Open-ended funds lead inflows for the quarter with subscriptions of 18,2 billion. Flexible products (+€11,1 billion), bonds (+€4,7 billion), balanced products (+€2,6 billion), equities (+€1,6 billion) and hedges contributed in particular to their success (+1,2 billion).
