
Assoelettrica: Mori president, towards a single association with Assorinnovabili

The annual assembly elected Simone Mori as president, – A memorandum of understanding was signed in Milan with Assorinnovabili: the goal is to create a single new association within the next twelve months

Assoelettrica appoints a new president and signs an agreement with Assorinnovabili. The annual assembly, held in Milan as part of the Energy Festival, renewed the top management of the association: Simone Mori, designated by the Junta meeting on 11 April, was elected president, while Roberto Potì e Lucia Bormida are the two new vice presidents. Head grain

“The electricity sector has undergone radical changes – said Mori as he introduced the work of the assembly -. The season of large investments to renew the thermoelectric generation park and the liberalization of the market was followed by an extraordinary development of renewables and, at the same time, a change in the traditional grid paradigms, which had to make way for distributed generation".

Mori ensured that “Assoelettrica wants to contribute to a better interaction with the different stakeholders, promoting a continuous exchange with stakeholders, both in the industrial sector and with trade union organizations and other expressions of civil society. It fits into this context the path of rapprochement underway between Assoelettrica and assoRinnovabili, aimed at overcoming the opposition between conventional operators and operators from renewable sources. For this reason, today we are signing a memorandum of understanding with the president of assoRinnovabili Agostino Re Rebaudengo, aimed at starting a process that will end within a year with the integration of the two associations into a single entity”.

As part of the Energy Festival in Milan, in fact, the memorandum of understanding between Assorinnovabili and Assoelettrica was signed, which represents a step forward in the process of rapprochement between the two organizations that began over a year ago. With this agreement, Assorinnovabili and Assoelettrica undertake to verify that all the conditions exist for setting up a single new association within the next twelve months. The number one of the two associations will sign the agreement: Agostino Re Rebaudengo and Simone Mori, who has just taken over from Chicco Testa.

“We aim to build – he commented Agostino Re Rebaudengo, President of Assorinnovabili – a new association that represents, with an innovative formula, the many companies, small and large, operating in the electricity sector. Being all together does not mean losing representativeness, but strengthening it to overcome the new challenges and changes in the mix and market of our sector”.
