
Associations think of a fund of funds for SMEs

The trade associations, including Abi, Assosim, Aifi, Assogestioni, Confindustria and the most active intermediaries on the market, who are part of the advisory committee for SMEs, have met at Borsa Italiana to begin evaluating the creation of a fund that its liquidity, through specialized funds, in Italian small and medium caps.

Associations think of a fund of funds for SMEs

The discussions on the establishment of a fund of funds to invest in small and medium-sized Italian enterprises are getting underway. Yesterday, according to Radiocor, the trade associations met at Borsa Italiana, including Abi, Assosim, Aifi, Assogestioni, Confindustria and the most active intermediaries on the market, who are part of the advisory committee for SMEs, to start evaluate the creation of a fund that places its liquidity, through specialized funds, in Italian small and medium caps.

According to the parties involved, the problem with the Italian stock market, as evidenced by the limited success of markets such as Aim Italia and Mac (Alternative Capital Market), is the lack of institutional investors. The discussions are still at a preliminary level, with a hypothesised endowment for the fund of around 2 billion euros.
