
Associations, categories, Authorities are on stage in the Chamber and in the Senate

Between today and tomorrow many categories will parade, in the wake of the works for the "development decree": from artisans to accountants. And there are representatives of Equitalia and a couple of Authorities. Among the priorities on the agenda, then, is the reform of cooperative banks.

Associations, categories, Authorities are on stage in the Chamber and in the Senate

In the afternoon the representatives of artisans and traders gathered in R.ETE parade in the Budget and Finance commissions of Montecitorio, which are examining the decree on development. Italian companies (Confcommercio, Confesercenti, Confartigianato, Casartigiani and Cna) and then, to follow, the president of Equitalia SpA, Attilio Befera, the president of the Guarantor Authority for the protection of personal data, Francesco Pizzetti and then the general manager of Confindustria Giampaolo Galli. Tomorrow morning will be the turn of the president of the Authority for the supervision of public contracts for works, services and supplies, Giuseppe Brienza.

The Labor commission, also of the Chamber, as part of the fact-finding survey on the labor market between access dynamics and development factors, will hold a hearing of Formez representatives. At Palazzo Madama, tomorrow at 15,30 pm, the Defense Commission will hold hearings of representatives of the Italian Shipowners' Confederation (Confitarma) and of the National Federation of Fishing Enterprises (Federpesca), as part of the fact-finding investigation on piracy in international waters, while the Finance Commission, starting at 14,15 pm, will hold the hearing of Assonime and representatives of the National Council of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts, as part of the examination of the Community act on the common consolidated tax base, for the corporate tax.

And finally the process for the reform of cooperative banks should start again. The matter is expected to be addressed in the Senate Finance Committee's bureau tomorrow. A hearing calendar should be finalized at the meeting.
