Assocamerestero: the 27th World Convention of Chambers of Commerce


The public session of the XXVII CCIE World Convention organized by Assocamerestero is underway. The event began on November 10th in Verona and will end tomorrow, November 13th.

The initiative, organized with the Chamber of Commerce of Verona in collaboration with Unioncamere, will be attended by 170 foreign delegates, from over 300 companies and representatives of the institutions and the economic world, both local and national, with the aim of discussing and deepening themes related to the new geographies of exports in the era of globalization, the internationalization of companies as well as the services offered by the Italian chamber network abroad.

During the convention, the results of the three-year activity of the network of chambers abroad (2016-2018) will be presented, which "have seen the co-financing granted by the Italian government double for promotional activities carried out by the CCIE against the increase in promotional initiatives made by them, which went from 4,8 million euros in 2016 to 8,8 million euros this year”, the association said in a note.

The President of Assocamerestero, Gian Domenico Auricchio commented: “The Italian Chambers Abroad arise from business communities made up of Italian and Italian-foreign entrepreneurs who have allowed the rooting of Italian professionalism and products even in markets that are not always easily accessible. With our special projects, we once again intend to place ourselves at the service of all those companies that operate from the more traditional markets to the more innovative ones, in order to grow at their best even on international markets. In this regard, we have activated several special projects and we aim to promote the excellence of Made in Italy with the most suitable tools for an increasingly interconnected world".

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