
Assiom Forex: satisfied with the postponement, but the Tobin Tax is still scary

According to Giuseppe Attanà, president of Assiom Forex, "the extension should be considered as a wise moment of reflection to avoid decisions that aim to improve the overall situation and risk instead of worsening it".

Assiom Forex: satisfied with the postponement, but the Tobin Tax is still scary

Assiom Forex, the association of financial operators, expresses "satisfaction" with the postponement of the payment of the Tobin tax decided by the government, but also "strong concern about the risks associated with the new tax, which could cause serious negative effects on the markets and on the real economy". 

Giuseppe Attanà, president of Assiom Forex, explains to the Radiocor agency that "the extension should be considered as a wise moment of reflection to avoid decisions that aim to improve the overall situation and instead risk making it worse". 

The "decree of doing", passed last Saturday by the government, postponed the entry into force of the Tobin Tax on derivatives from 16 July to 16 September and from XNUMX July to XNUMX October the first payment of the tax on financial transactions, which effective March XNUMX. 

According to Assiom Forex, which together with Abi, Aibe, Confindustria, Ania, Assogestioni, Assonime, Febaf and Assosim had asked the Minister of Economy Fabrizio Saccomanni for an extension to the payment of the tax. 

“An effective regulation should above all be valid at an international level, to guarantee the necessary level playing field on the markets – added Attanà -. Of simple and clear application, in order not to weigh excessively on the administrative costs of implementation and on the necessary transparency of similar provisions. Furthermore, any undesirable effects linked to such regulations on important market segments, operating sectors and on the real economy should be fully evaluated, effects which could cancel out the expected benefits for which such regulations are studied and implemented”.
